


1.1 The organisation will be called “Friends of Sawston  Library”



2.1 To promote and publicise Sawston Library within the community

2.2 To foster understanding of how the library service is run and funded

2.3 To liaise with and lobby Government about the library service provided to Sawston


2.4 To provide a forum for social and cultural activities for Library users

2.5 To provide a channel for feedback from library users

2.6  To provide volunteer assistance with events and activities

Fund raising

2.7  To raise funds to support the library


3.1  Membership is open to any individual, group or corporate body interested in the objectives of the “Friends of Sawston Library”


4.1 The Committee will consist of Chairperson, Treasurer, Secretary, at least two other officers and co-opted library representatives. The committee has the power to co-opt additional officers as necessary.

4.2 Officers of the Committee are elected annually at the Annual General Meeting of the Friends of Sawston Library. Officers may stand for re-election. The Annual General Meeting will be held in the autumn term, and members must be advised of the date at least 14 days in advance.

4.3 The committee can call an Extraordinary General Meeting at any time but members must be advised of the date at least 21 days in advance.

4.3 Committee meetings must be quorate,  (i.e. more than half the officers must be present), to take major decisions, including changes to annual fees and any membership privileges, approval of expenditure over £50 and changes to this constitution.

4.4 The Chairman of the Friends of Sawston Library may use a casting vote at meetings, in the event of a tied vote.

4.5 Only one member of the Library staff may vote at Friends of Sawston Library committee meetings on any individual issue.

4.6 Committee meetings must be minuted and minutes will be publicly available in the Library.


5.1 The Friends will have the power to raise money by grants, donations, fees or other means to fund specific projects to enhance library facilities and services

5.2  The committee shall have the power to open a bank account on behalf of the Friends. Cheques issued on this account shall bear the  signature of two officers, who must not be partners or relatives, for the protection of all concerned

5.3  The Treasurer shall be empowered to pay agreed expenses incurred on behalf of the Friends

5.4  The Treasurer shall present a report to each committee meeting

5.5  An auditor shall be appointed at the Annual General Meeting to audit the Friends accounts each  year for presentation to the following Annual General Meeting.  Officers of the committee may not be auditors


6.1  Volunteer help in the library is subject to Cambridgeshire Libraries’ Volunteer Policy


7.1  Cambridgeshire Libraries reserve the right to recommend variations to this constitution and undertake to provide  support and advice to the Friends of Sawston Library when required

7.2 Any Friends project affecting the library fabric, furniture or fittings will be submitted to a senior library manager for approval


8.1 Members of the Friends Group, like any volunteers in a library, are covered by public liability insurance when organising and participating in events in the Library, under Library Service supervision.

8.2 The County Council cannot indemnify the independent Friends Group against mismanagement by its members or fraudulent activities. Any insurance protection for individual committee members will be taken out personally, if they feel their activities warrant it.


9.1  The Friends of Sawston Library can only be dissolved at a General meeting, by a majority of  members present.

9.2  Dissolution becomes effective only after all debts and liabilities have been paid and all remaining assets disposed of, in the manner agreed by the General Meeting.

November 2014.

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